Thursday 5 July 2012

Why This Month Will Be Amazing!

As most of you know through twitter (And hopefully just general stuff about myself (or if i don't fucking talk about it enough already) This month is going to be amazing!

Kicking off this month, I had the pleasure of collecting my house keys and had a cheeky bevvy with my housemates and old neighbors from good ol' West Downs! Where Grace thought it would be good to throw up in the garden... And Jaz thought it would be an amazing idea to take photos of us... Sitting on the toilet... Yep, I mean who hasn't done that right?? Anywho... It was a fun night but it was interesting trying to sleep because there were no beds... only mattresses but hey ho, that doesn't matter because we all had fun!

As some of you are aware as well... I like my comic-book films, and there are not one... but TWO coming out this month!! The first one which is out now I believe is The Amazing Spider-Man. Reasons why I want to see it are #1. It's Spider-Man and he's awesome. #2. The 3D effects look incredible apparently. and #3 Andrew Garfield is Peter Parker, who seems very convincing and a lot better than Toby Maguire... and if me and my fiance see this film, we will be drooling because he is hot... just sayin'. The Amazing Spider-Man is a reboot of the franchise so don't get confused if you see it!

Number three, is that I get to see my darling fiance again! It's been too long and I need to see his face and a cuddle from him which I cannot wait for. I get to see him on the 19th... YAY! :D <3

Forth reason why this is an amazing July is the second comic-book film which is out on the 20th... the end of a trilogy with The Dark Knight Rises! Set eight years after the events of The Dark Knight, Batman comes out of retirement to save Gotham City from the terrorist known as Bane. Reasons why I'm looking forward to this: #1 It's Batman. #2 It's the sequel to one of the best superhero films EVER! #3 The cast is amazing. #4 It just looks fucking great... Enough said. See for yourself with the trailer below!

Reason number five why this month will be amazing is because it is my birthday on the 20th... yep you guessed it I'm seeing The Dark Knight Rises hopefully on the day it comes out in cinemas. But also, as some of you are aware I.Fucking. LOVE! Harry Potter!. And my mum and dad were so kind to give me and my fiance tickets to go on my birthday!! Basically... SO EXCITED! I've seen through reviews and word of mouth that it is incredible so... basically... 20th July, hurry up please!

Then it's the Olympics starting on the 27th... To be honest I'm actually looking forward to it! The stadiums and venues that were built at the Olympic Park look incredible and it'll be great for this country to show what we can do! Only a few more days to go now and it seems like only a year ago when they announced that they were going to be held in London. It shall be immense... Well... Not as immense as Beijing... Hopefully Danny Boyle has done something good with the ceremonies... Let's hope that he did...

And finally... Which I am most excited for is a MUCH needed holiday to Spain on the 28th with Dan and his family for 3 weeks! After the year I've had so far I need a break from all this crap happening back at home here in Waterlooville really. It'll mean I can relax fully and also I have never been on holiday with Dan before and also have never met his extended family before so it'll be nice to finally meet them.

That's my July folks... I would love to here what yours are going to be like :D

Until next time

Crennell x

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